Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reflection on Meeting 1

Generally I felt the meeting was effective and rewarding for us as a group.

Initially, everyone was feeling slightly awkard, sentences were picked and chosen with care. This was probably due to the effect of having a webcam during the meeting process.
However, as the meeting progressed, it was evident that everyone became more focused on the meeting itself, and eventually everyone became more comfortable as the meeting continued.

When the meeting just started, we defined what the question was about, and what were the requirements we felt was needed by the question, and when the meeting was ending we made an effort to summarize all the points we discussed. I felt this is a good way to conduct a meeting as we start off stating what we expect to be doing in the discussion, and end off summarizing so all the points that were touched on will be refreshed again, so no points will be missed out.

During the meeting, all of us were focused in solving the problem in CG1102 lab 3 together. The meeting conducted was effective as no one was distracted, and we objectively pointed out mistakes in theory or concepts without causing any conflict. In this way, we acknowledge as a team that any opinions of any member in the team are respected.

Faizal raised a good point in reminding us that our concept of how the assignment may be approached may not be optimal. And throughout the meeting he also actively questioned the ideas we initially had about the assignment. So even during our design of our project, we are already checking for parts that may be not feasible or wrong, so we minimize errors that might cause issues in the later parts of our assignment. Likai was also proactive in giving insightful opinions and ideas about the assignment and how our ideas can be better improved. Jay was engaged in spearheading where our discussion is headed towards and he provided many opinions about how we should approach this assignment.

Generally everyone in the group listens to everyone else's opinions and reflects objectively on it.
However I personally feel I could have allowed for more room for discussion by my other team members, and give them more chance to express their ideas. This way we minimize conflicts in the team, thus conducting an effective meeting.


Jason Tan said...

Hi Cherlia,

Firstly, I could not agree more that for this meeting, everyone was feeling awkward due to the fact that we were being filmed. However, the uneasiness goes away as our team starts to become more focused on the meeting instead of the camera, and the flow of the meeting became smoother after that.

From what you have written in paragraph 2, I can visualize that your meeting is very well structured and you are very clear on what to do during and after the meeting. This is good as a good structure is very important in order to have a fruitful discussion.

In my opinion, you could have ask your team members some questions once in a while so as to allow them to express their ideas and more responses will be gathered and thus it is more beneficial for the project itself. Overall your post is well structured and you have elaborated on each important point.


Brandon said...

Hi Cherlia,

I think it is a general consensus that initially everyone feels weird having a recorded meeting on video cam, but as the discussion progressed all attention was placed on the topic itself and not on the lenses.

From reading your reflection, I can conclude that your meeting was a successful one as it seemed that the agenda for the day was thoroughly covered. I think your group has a well-balanced mix of characters, with each member playing a different role during the meeting. For example, Faizal is doing an important job in ensuring that ideas do not go overly ambitious and in a wrong direction.

This post, perhaps you could have explore more about improvements you can do for the next meeting. Expand further on your point raised in the last paragraph, then maybe your reflection would seem more balanced this way.

Leonard said...

Hi Cherlia,

I agree that it is quite awkward to conduct a meeting in front of a camera, as we most probably are not used to having a camera in front of us, especially in a meeting. Most of us would then try to act more appropriately, as we are being filmed and that it is graded as well. Therefore, I feel that filming our meeting is not really a good way to test out communication skills.

I liked the way your group conducted the meeting, by having a discussion on the requirements before the meeting and also having a summary at the end. However, I feel that this could be improved by having a summary before moving on to the next point. This will ensure that everyone is clear about what is going on and will then be able to contribute better.

Overall, from your blog post, I feel that the meeting is quite effective, as ideas were brought across quite clearly. Feedback is present as well, with team members questioning each other’s concepts and ideas while respecting their opinion. As you mentioned, giving each member more room for discussion is important, as it will generate a better mix of ideas and thus prevent groupthink. To achieve that, I suggest letting each member write down a list of ideas they each have before the group begin the discussion.

Leonard (C06)

Sakura said...

Hi Cherlia,

It seems that most of us are feeling uncomfortable having a webcam filming the meeting. I think it is because that it is our first time having a recorded meeting. Hopefully, we will not feel awkward when we are been filmed during our presentation on Monday or Thursday.

I like the way your meeting is conducted as you have made an effort to summarize what your team has discussed. It is a good way to refresh the memory of your teammates on what has been discussed. Alternatively, you may want to take down minutes to record a summary of what points has been discussed in the meeting. Your teammates can then read the minutes after the meeting to refresh their memory on what has been discussed earlier and the assigned tasks for them.

However, you may want to expand your discussion for our last paragraph. It seems that your blog post is leaning more towards the positive side of your meeting. You may want to discuss about the nonverbal cues you and your teammates are using and how it has disrupted or enhanced the message that you and your teammates are sending across.

Li Hua

Guo Likai said...

Hi Cherlia,

First of all,thank you for being such a wonderful team leader who guided us through the whole meeting.In fact,I was a bit confused at the very beginning. Things could be worse for me when the recording camera came in.I was almost lost in the meeting.Thanks to you and Jay who were able to brought me back to the right track.Just as you said,the meeting was comfortable after a few minutes of awkwardness.

Personally I felt that we have covered as many points as possible during the meeting.Although we had discussed beforehand,we came to realize that there are more problems than we expected.However,we were able to solve them one by one in an orderly manner.I was really amazed that we actually finished our discussion within one hour time frame.

I agree with you comment on every member's performance in the meeting.However,I felt that I could have done better by participating more actively and contributing more ideas.Other than that,my voice was not loud enough as I watch the video that we have recorded.

Generally everybody has done a great job and the meeting was indeed a successful one.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cherlia,

Personally, I feel that when you have a successful meeting, you will come out feeling liberated and enlightened. That’s how I would construe your first sentence to be.

You mentioned that the start of the meeting was awkward. However, I feel is only in part due to the camera but it also would be due to the lack of familiarity between you and your group members. I liked how your meeting was systematic, and flowed through a specific course; this allows information to be clarified quickly and effectively, making for a successful meeting. I also liked how you ended the meeting with a summary as that would be really helpful for everyone to grasp the information. I will be sure to use that in my next meeting.

However, I feel you should attempt to analyze the meeting more to find out how to improve it, although your point that you did not let your team members express themselves much is a good attempt in trying to improve.

Excellent post, I hope your next meeting goes well.


Lee Hao Tan said...

Hi Cherlia,

I am sure everyone felt awkward with the camera rolling due to the fact that most of us had never experienced something like this. It was though we became actors and actresses in a short one hour film. However, I agree with you that it got more natural when everyone started to get engaged in the meeting.

I felt that the structure of the meeting was brilliant. It ensured that all the participants knew what they were going to discuss right at the beginning of the meeting. In addition, by concluding all the points discussed at the end, all the participants will be familiar with the team’s progress and also the information that they should take away from the meeting.

Also, I felt that Faizal’s contribution was very significant and important. As this assignment is pretty huge and stretches throughout the whole semester, it is beneficial if mistakes and errors could be spotted at the early stages. Therefore, there will not be any massive corrections or even redoing some parts of the code.

All in all, it seems like it was a very successful meeting. Good luck to you and I hope your future meetings will be as successful.

Hao Tan

Abbinayaa said...

Hi Cherlia,

It is very natural for anyone to feel awkward to speak in front of a camera. Moreover, this is the first time most of us are experiencing such a situation. But as time progresses we get used to it and focus on the discussion.

It is good that your team gave an summary at the end of the discussion .I agree that it reminds us of the key points discussed during the meeting and ensures that we dint miss out on any point. It is very important that all members of the team participate effectively in the discussion for the progress of the team. The most important thing when we work as a team is to respect everyone’s opinion .it is good that everyone is receptive of other’s ideas in your team .Minor things like this play a very important role in the development of the team.

I personally feel that you could have elaborated on the shortcomings faced during the meeting in your post. On the whole, your post is well organized.

